5 things you should do in the weeks leading up to giving birth!
So I am 5 weeks away from my due date and I can't quite believe how fast the this pregnancy has flown by compared to my last! Its crazy to think how soon little baby Dylan will be with us. Ahhh, I am so excited to meet him!!!
Because I am so close I decided to compile a small list of things every women should do in the weeks leading up to giving birth. Some of these are things I done in my last pregnancy and others are things I wish I had done. Some of these are helpful tips while others are my own personal advise. FYI I am not an expert but as a second time expectant mom I know how stressful things can get after having the baby so these are just things I've learned through my experience.
So lets get into it...
1. PREPARE, COOK & FREEZE MEALS! Okay so this is something I wish I had of done but will definitely be doing this time around. After having an emergency section I wasn't home from hospital for nearly 2 weeks. The fridge and presses were bare and because I was recovering from a section I wasn't very mobile so all that pressure got put onto Lee as if looking after me and a newborn wasn't bad enough. Take-aways and easy meals became the dinners and lunches by default not necessarily by choice. So to make things easier this time around I plan to prepare a lot of food mainly dinners that I can cook up in abundance such as stir fry's, curry's, roast veg etc. This will just cut out a lot of stress early on when your trying to get back up on your feet and settle into a routine.
2. WRITE A LETTER TO YOUR BABY! So this one is optional but I think its an amazing idea. I am very sentimental when it comes to things like this. So every year around Cailans birthday I've sat down and wrote about the year that we had, all the things hes accomplished aswell as memories, how much I love him, all the things he loves, some things he hates aswell as other bits and pieces. I plan on writing one every year for him until he turns 18/21 I'm not sure when I'll stop but I will definitely give them to him on one of his big birthdays. Its also a lovely way to record the year if your not a person who keeps a journal or diary. I love looking back on my letters to Cailan and I plan on starting Dylans letter very soon.
3. FOR GOD SAKE TAKE THE HELP! Now I could do with taking a page out of my own book here because I try so hard to be Miss. Independent all the time but when your almost due regular tasks like washing the floors and putting away the washing can become quite difficult. So if your partner offers or asks is there anything that they can do, for god sake say yes! You should be resting as much as you can at this point. You have almost completely grown a tiny human inside you, your making a miracle, so relax put the feet up as much as you can and let someone else do it for you!
4. SPEND AS MUCH TIME AS YOU CAN WITH YOUR PARTNER! This for me is probably one of the most important if not the most important one. This will probably be a lot easier to do if this is your first baby because if its your second or third you will need to get a babysitter but do it trust me because once that little baby comes everything really does become about them. I know, because this is what happened with myself and Lee. I don't think we had a proper date night for like 4/5 months after Cailan was born. That is a long time people! Its so important to remember to keep that spark in your relationship even after the baby comes. Even if its once every two weeks and all you do is go to the cinema or out for a meal just do it! Keep enjoying each others company so many things will change once the baby is here make sure your relationship is not one of them!
5. MAKE YOURSELF A GOODY BAG. Now I didn't do this first time around because I was simply so obsessed with having a million and 1 things for my new baby I never really gave myself a second thought. I haven't started it yet but I plan to put together a little bag of treats for myself, for after the baby is born. Its okay to treat ourselves too, moms! So every week I plan on picking myself up a few treats until the baby comes such as new pj's, a new lipstick or foundation, my favourite chocolates and/or sweets but lets be honest it will probably be both! Haha. I haven't really put too much thought into what I'll put in it yet as I plan to just pick up as I go but when I have it put together I will do a post on it for you guys :)
And that's it! I hope you enjoyed my few little tips if you have any yourself or even some pre or post natal advise please leave below in the comment box! Would love to hear from you guys.
Until next time,
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