6lb in 6 Days!!!
So it has been a week since I have joined Lighterlife. Well technically 6 days as I didn't start until the Tuesday. It has been a week of highs and lows so I want to tell you how I got on and what I thought of the food packs but first I need to talk about the amazing loss I've had from only doing this 6 days. 6 pound almost half a stone gone in 6 days. My mind is absolutely blown and I am so motivated and positive for the weeks ahead now. For me it really depended on this week. Lighterlife may sound like a quick and easy way to lose weight but let me tell you it is not easy. You must really want to lose the weight before you decide to do this. It will test you and your willpower!
Day 1/2
So the first day it was really easy. My body was unaware of what was happening and I found sticking to the food packs easy. The only difficulty I kind of experienced was eating so early. I don't eat breakfasts well at least I didn't before I started this so eating early in the morning was a bit of a struggle. My second day was the very same, I still found it hard to eat in the morning but other then that it was fine.
So day 3 was the hardest day out of the whole week. My body craved nothing but carbs and I couldn't shake the temptation of a Big Mac. I didn't give in but either did the cravings. I found myself being constantly hungry and nothing that day satisfied me. I knew if I could just make it through this day I would be fine. Louise had forewarned me that this day would be the worst. Your body is starting to realise that its not getting carbs and craves them. Day 3 is also the day your body begins to go into Ketosis. So this brings us to day 4 my body is in Ketosis and you no what? I was not one bit hungry all day. I was practically forcing my foodpacks down for breakfast and lunch. I couldn't believe how my body could go from one extreme to the other. Day4/5
These days were more or less the same. I have not felt hungry since being in Ketosis. My body is no longer craving high carb foods like that Big Mac I had been wanting so bad earlier in the week. Day 5 I did feel a difference in my body in the sense that my constant bloated feeling is gone. I know longer feel bloated or swollen around the tummy area. Now do I look like I have lost weight? No! But I did feel better already.Day 6
It literally feels like I have been eating this way all the time. I am no longer finding it hard to manage the foodpacks and I am just comfortable with where I was at now. I still have urges and to grab a bite of Cailans sandwich or Lees poached egg I won't lie but I just stop myself and think about why I am doing this in the first place!The Foodpacks
Although I didn't like everything I tried this week, it was mainly all about trial and error to see which one I liked and disliked.
For breakfasts I started of with porridge but knowing I wouldn't be able to manage having that every morning I switched up the mornings for some bars. So for the morning I would either have porridge or a Cereal Bar.
Lunch was always a soup. I really, really liked the soups. I either had the Roasted Tomatoe, Scotch Broth or Vegetable. Little tip for the soups, blend them! They taste 100% nicer when blended. They actually become thicker, creamer and more filling,
Dinners were all lovely apart from the Mediterranean Risotto. Now to be fair I don't like risotto anyways but at least I gave it a try. I really enjoyed the Spaghetti Bolognese, Shepards Pie and Three Cheese Pasta.
I know that there is other options for dinner too so I will try these next week.
I used my treat as my last mneal so that meant I was sitting down around 8/half8 every night with either a Toffee Bar, Nut Fudge Bar or Chocolate Mug Cake. Now I thought I was going to love the Chocolate Mug Cake but I actually didn't. I didn't like it at all. I'm not really a cake person and when I do eat cake its usually covered in fresh cream, so maybe that's why I didn't really like it, haha!
Overall it has been a good week. I'm feeling positive about the whole experience and I am looking forward to the next 3 weeks. I am determined to stick it out! If you want to follow my journey on a daily basis be sure to follow me over on Snapchat, my username is down below!
If you would like to contact the girls from Lighterlife I will leave there numbers below! Also if you use my name you will get 10% off when you join.
Anne Cooper - 0860280280
Louise Dunphy - 0863275083
Until next time,
*This is not a sponsored post, however I did get a months subscriptions for free. All thoughts expressed in this post are my own through my experience on this plan*
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